Thursday, June 11, 2009

Spring Harvest Festival!

Our spring harvest festival is coming up on Sunday June 14th from 4-7pm. Come celebrate the spring harvest with us! See the farm in it's greenest glory, snack on gourmet treats provided by our farmer/chefs, and bring the kids for special games and tours. We're even planning to have wine tasting with our friend Grant Ramey, who makes some of the most exceptional organic wine around. Come see where your food REALLY comes from!

We're planning to make this different from our fall harvest festival in that we're only publicizing it to our members. We're hoping that it will be a nice, intimate gathering for us all to get to know each other a bit better. You're welcome to bring any friends or family who are interested in learning about the farm though (we do still have 6 veggie shares available).

Don't use Mapquest for directions! From Nevada City take Highway 49 North for 12 miles. Turn right on Tyler Foote Road, and follow it for just over 3 miles. Next turn right on Purdon Road for 1 mile and take a left on Miller Road. The farm's address is 13800 Miller Road.

We hope to see you there!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

1 Bunch Red Butter Lettuce
1 Bunch Green Leaf Lettuce
1 Bunch Kale (Red Russian, Winter Bor, or Dino)
1 Bunch Tokyo Turnips
1 Bunch Beets (Early Wonder Tall Top or Chioggia)
1 Bunch Cilantro

Monday, June 8, 2009

Monday, June 8th, 2009

2 Different Bunches of Lettuce (Red Leaf, Green Leaf, or Butter Crunch)
1 Bunch Kale
1 Bunch Broccoli (make sure to steam and eat the leaves, they're delicious!)
1 Bunch Tokyo Turnips
1 Bunch Beets
1 Bunch Cilantro

PLEASE NOTE: The boxes will be different on Thursday--sometimes things vary between Monday and Thursday to give you what is ripest and tastiest!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Spring Harvests--YUM!
One Bunch Carrots
One Bunch Broccoli
One Bunch Red Lettuce
One Bunch Butter Lettuce
One Bunch Spinach
One Bunch Tatsoi OR Bok Choy
One Bunch Toyko Turnips
One Bunch Cilantro

If you're not familiar with tatsoi, it's delicious sauteed lightly in some sesame oil! Also, don't miss out on steaming and eating your broccoli leaves--NOTHING like what you'd find in the store, and totally delicious!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Mountain Bounty Farm joins the 21st Century

I guess I'd better start by introducing myself. My name is Carlyle, and I'm the CSA manager for Mountain Bounty Farm. Basically that means that I'm trying to learn about growing things by running the "office" end of the farm. Probably a bit unrealistic, but I'm holding out hope anyway!

John, Angie and the farm crew spend most of their time working in the fields, so I'll probably be doing most of the posting here. Since this is my first time blogging (gosh, is that really a word now?) and I'm no longer in the blush of youth (i.e. I still remember the days before everything started with "www"), the beginnings might be a bit rocky. But since I don't speak html, this seems like a great way to give our CSA members a more dynamic glimpse of the farm through all of its seasons. I hope you enjoy it!